Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wilson's 1st Field Trip

This is a big scary school bus. (scary for me, joy for Wilson)

This is a happy kindergartener.

This is the first field trip destination.

This is a cute lunch sack, decorated by a great daddy.

This is the wagon that held the classes pumpkins.

more pumpkins

This is Charlotte...she is a BIG spider that lives at the pumpkin patch.

This is a sleepy and still very happy kindergartener.

Not sure what the rules are about posting pictures of kids that I don't really know, so I decided to leave you with scenery and a few of my guy.


HolstedBoyz said...

Very Cute pics...did he have a blast! all of mine came home that afternoon and took a nap! they were exhausted.

Erica said...

I love the lunch sack. Go Peter!