Friday, May 15, 2009


Yesterday after school the boys both had dentist appointments. I love our dentist office! For the kids they have a room with a tv on the ceiling and my favorite part is that it has two chairs. The boys go in at the same time and lay on these chairs while they take turns getting their teeth cleaned. It makes it so much easier to take them at the same time and I think they feel safer together. It is hysterical to see how excited they get about going to the dentist.

I have never thought to take my camera on their past appointments and this time had it by chance. It was in my car and due to many recent stories of break ins I am afraid to leave anything in there.
The boys did a great job and we celebrated with treats that will send us back to the dentist.

1 comment:

berit_k said...

i think we use the same boys go on wed and they are so psyched...